Bhagawatipur Khelaghar is a trusted name in South 24 Parganas, West Bengal. The school attracts students from even a distance of 30 kms (near the Sunderbans) because of its high academic standard and beautiful campus.
The open space gives us scope to experiment with the curriculum. Thus, gardening, meditation, sports, reading story books, learning computers, watching educational film shows etc. are an integral part of the curriculum.
Absenteeism, both among students and teachers, is very low as is the incidence of dropouts. Parent-teacher meetings record 90% attendance.
The campus is also enjoyed by the students of the other two branches of Khelaghar during special events. Students from Young Horizons School and Children’s Foundation School visit Bhagawatipur Khelaghar for their yearly excursion. This gives them an opportunity to delve into rural lives and derive an understanding of what the rural children lack when compared to their lifestyle.